How Above Ground Fiberglass Tanks are made
Fextex supplies filament wound tanks that have at least four layers
First Layer- 20 mils thick 90% resin reinforced with glass or synthetic veil
Second Layer- Resin rich chop strand that is no less than 80 mils thick 65% resin
The first two layers equal a 100 mil corrosion barrier. The resin applied is determined
by the liquid being stored and temperature limits.
Third Layer- Filament wound, resin impregnated, continuous strands of fiberglass
that are applied to a rotating mandrel. This layer contains 70% glass and 30% resin.
Fourth Layer- 10 mil thick pigment or gel coat for protection from ultraviolet ray degradation.
Chemical Storage
Wastewater Treatment
Potable Water Storage
Fire Protection
Emergency Water for Health Care Facilities
Agricultural Product Storage
Can be manufactured with ASME RTP-1 stamp
Light weight for ease of shipping and installation
Available in vertical and horizontal models
Available in diameters up to 14 feet
Desiegned for all seismic zones
Available in single and double wall models
Can be manufactured to NSF 61 requirments
Above Ground Fiberglass Tank Applications
Above Ground Fiberglass Tank Features
Above Ground Fiberglass Tank Sizing Chart
Above ground fiberglass tanks provide a long term corrosion resistant, durable and cost effective containment storage for multiple applications. By selecting an above ground fiberglass tank, you eliminate the need for interior and exterior tank linings. The nature of fiberglass is anti corrosive, rust free, and 100% watertight, eliminating risk of ex filtration and content contamination.
Fextex provides tanks that meet or exceed the following standards:
ASTM D3299
ASTM D4097
NBS PA 15-69